Flowr works fine on Mobile.

Get an overview of what’s happening in your company while you are on the go. Flowr for iPhone and for Android OS phones are free for to download. Alternatively, you can use our browser version. Mobile apps are available in English.

Flowr for iPhone.

The ultimate mobile app for iPhone / iPod / iPad users. It allows you to stay in touch with your team wherever you are. Download the free app from Apple App Store.

Flowr Android App.

Flowr App works on phones with Google Android OS made by Samsung, HTC, Motorola and more. Download your free app from Android market and stay in touch with your team.

Nothing to install. HTML5

Flowr HTML5 mobile version is designed for use with your mobile phone’s web browser. If you don’t want to download an app from the app store or you are using other mobile devices, just visit m.theflowr.com on your phone’s browser, and you’re ready to go!